Frequently asked questions.

What’s this Cameo ProActive app I keep hearing about?

Cameo ProActive is a custom Mac application built on the foundation of Watchman Monitoring, which was created by a team of support technicians and consultants with decades of troubleshooting and repair experience.

Head over to the ProActive page for more information about what the application does and how you can try it for free.

What devices work with Cameo ProActive?

The ProActive application is built for the Mac, Windows, and Linux. Apple is my specialty, but if you would like to use it on a Windows PC, let me know and we’ll try to work something out. Unfortunately, the application won’t run on an iPad or iPhone.

Can you fix my Windows PC or Android phone?

While my specialty is Apple gear, anything is possible. Let me know what issues you’re experiencing and I’ll try to help. If I can’t, I’ll find someone who can.

Can I bring my Mac or iDevice to you?

Cameo Pro does not currently have a storefront. I’m happy to bring my talents directly to you, but if your living room is too messy or your cat hates people, we can arrange for you to visit me.

Do you honor AppleCare warranties?

I am not an Apple Authorized Service Provider. If you have a Mac or iDevice that is under warranty (AppleCare or other), you’ll want to take that directly to an Apple Store or an Apple Authorized Service Provider for service. I can help you with that if necessary.

However, not every issue requires a warranty claim! Let me know what problems you’re having and I can help you figure out the proper next steps.

Can you really help me save money?

It may seem counterintuitive that spending money on a consultant can actually save you money, but hear me out.

When it comes to buying a new machine, you may feel like a “pro” who needs a high end Mac, but the truth is, most people don’t need any more power than a MacBook Air or even an entry-level iPad can offer. Once I get to know your goals, I can help you pick the perfect machine that will fit your needs without spending any more money than you have to. 

If your Mac is acting up, there’s a real possibility that you’re on the verge of losing all of your data. I can help make sure your machine is healthy and your data is backed up so that you don’t have to pay someone to try to salvage things from your broken drive.

Why “Cameo”?

The Cameo is variety of apple that was discovered in Washington state in 1987. It’s thought to be a hybrid of the red delicious and golden delicious, but with a much cooler name than either of those.

Cameo Pro = Apple Pro. Get it?

But what about…

Have any other questions that aren’t covered here? Send me a message!