Apple news, tips, tricks, thoughts, and opinions.

iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro
iPad, Advice Scott Smith iPad, Advice Scott Smith

iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro

Apple updated the iPad Air at its spring “Peek Performance” event on Tuesday, bringing it even closer to the 11-inch iPad Pro in terms of features and specs. If you’re considering a new medium-sized iPad, it can be tough to choose between the two. Here’s a quick feature comparison that might make your life a little easier.

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The Best Apple-Related Gifts for 2020
Advice Scott Smith Advice Scott Smith

The Best Apple-Related Gifts for 2020

Not sure if you noticed, but 2020 is almost over…which means it’s time to start buying gifts for everyone you love and maybe a few people you just kinda like. Considering the effect the pandemic has had on fulfillment, distribution, and delivery systems, I recommend you start thinking about your holiday gift-giving sooner rather than later.

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New iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro. Which should I buy?
iPad, Advice Scott Smith iPad, Advice Scott Smith

New iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro. Which should I buy?

I’ve heard from a few people who are confused by the latest iPad Air update and how it encroaches on the 11-inch iPad Pro’s territory. Why would anyone buy the more expensive Pro when the Air seems to be so similar and less expensive? If you’re in the market for a powerful and compact tablet but aren’t sure which way to go, I can help you decide.

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