Apple news, tips, tricks, thoughts, and opinions.

I just bought an M1 iPad Pro
iPad Scott Smith iPad Scott Smith

I just bought an M1 iPad Pro

No, that’s not a typo. Despite the facts that, a.) Apple just announced a new iPad Pro with the M2 chip and b.) I’m usually the kind of guy that likes the newest and shiniest tech, I decided to upgrade my 2018 12.9-inch iPad Pro to a slightly older 2021 model. Here’s why.

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iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro
iPad, Advice Scott Smith iPad, Advice Scott Smith

iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro

Apple updated the iPad Air at its spring “Peek Performance” event on Tuesday, bringing it even closer to the 11-inch iPad Pro in terms of features and specs. If you’re considering a new medium-sized iPad, it can be tough to choose between the two. Here’s a quick feature comparison that might make your life a little easier.

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iPad mini 6: First Impressions
iPad Scott Smith iPad Scott Smith

iPad mini 6: First Impressions

Today is such an awesome day. Not only is my iPhone 13 Pro Max arriving soon, but the nice UPS man drove directly from the distribution center to my front door to bring me the new iPad mini and Smart Folio. Here are my first impressions of this new tiny iPad.

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The Assumed September iPhone Event
iPhone, Apple Events Scott Smith iPhone, Apple Events Scott Smith

The Assumed September iPhone Event

If the rumors are true (and, based on history, they should be), Apple’s annual iPhone event will be happening next week on Tuesday, September 14th. It kicks off the most exciting time of the year for an Apple nerd like me, so I thought I’d run down what we’re expecting and what, if anything, I’m planning to purchase.

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New iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro. Which should I buy?
iPad, Advice Scott Smith iPad, Advice Scott Smith

New iPad Air vs. 11-inch iPad Pro. Which should I buy?

I’ve heard from a few people who are confused by the latest iPad Air update and how it encroaches on the 11-inch iPad Pro’s territory. Why would anyone buy the more expensive Pro when the Air seems to be so similar and less expensive? If you’re in the market for a powerful and compact tablet but aren’t sure which way to go, I can help you decide.

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